For information, call (802) 773-9111 to speak to a representative.
Monterrey, Mexico
Ave. Las Palmas 144
Parque Industrial Las Palmas Sta. Catarina, N.L. 66368
Calling from the US Phone: 011/52-81-83-16-73-90
Calling from Mexico Phone: 01-81-83-16-73-90
Fax: 011/52-81-83-16-73-95
Sales Team: sales@carris.net

Certificate No. 40858
Carris de Mexico has been assessed by ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc., and found to be in conformance with the requirements set forth by ISO 9001:2015
Click here to view the certificate
Established 2000
The Carris Plastics Group’s newest facility opened for business in Monterrey in a brand-new, 65,000 square foot plant and added an additional 20,000 square feet in 2012. Monterrey is our fourth location — along with Rutland, VT, Fincastle, VA and McKinney, TX — dedicated to molding, extrusion and recycling of plastic reels and custom parts.
Products & Services Available:
- Packaging Products For:
- Fine Wire
- Magnet Wire
- Insulated Wire
- Welding Wire
- Recycling
Title | Address | Description |
Monterrey, Mexico | LAS PALMAS, PARQUE #144, Industrial las Palmas, 66368 Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico | Packaging Products for: Fine Wire, Magnet Wire, Insulated Wire, Welding Wire • Recycling |